There are many different lending options available, plenty to choose from in order to meet your unique needs. Only you and your lender can truly determine which one would be the best fit for you, but here are four of the most common:
When getting Pre-Qualified for a loan, lenders will use information you provide, such as income and credit score, to determine an estimated loan amount. This amount is not guaranteed as the information provided has not been verified.
When getting Pre-Qualified for a loan, lenders will use information you provide, such as income and credit score, to determine an estimated loan amount. This amount is not guaranteed as the information provided has not been verified.
When getting Pre-Approved for a loan, lenders will request documentation to verify information such as income, debt, and credit. The estimated approval amount is generally accurate but not guaranteed.
When getting Pre-Qualified for a loan, lenders will use information you provide, such as income and credit score, to determine an estimated loan amount. This amount is not guaranteed as the information provided has not been verified.
If you have any further questions regarding mortgage loans, your real estate agent and/or lender would be happy to go over this information in greater detail with you
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